Sunday, October 5, 2008

Day 3 of Jen's Visit

Another tasting. Steve was a great sport and watched the girls. They slept through every winery except for the last two. Kate was happy so long as she had a cork in her mouth and Alyse was happy so long as she was being held by Steve or the carseat was moving. They were both a hit with the other wine patrons.


Tepker Law said...

LOVE IT!! Especially the part about Kate and the "cork in her mouth"!! We had a fabulous visit! Thank you so much for having us and, Steve, thank you for helping out with Kate so Deb and I could run in the rain, grab a late dinner (and an early evening!), and thoroughly enjoy ourselves!

You guys are the greatest, and I loved every minute! It's so wonderful to watch you in your new roles ~ you are beautiful parents! Congratulations!!

And thanks again for having us!!

BTW - Texas, October 2009. We're in.

thefinancialaidguy said...

Its great hearing about your guys adventures. Hope all is going well in Oregon.
