Thursday, March 12, 2009

6 months old

Picture of Alyse, her cousin and her aunt Effie. The top picture is of Alyse with a very large bow. The only reason she wore it is because her Grandma loves it. I didn't last long.

second cousin Janey

Just messing around

Oregon Coast

Family Trip to the Oregon Coast. 3 Weeks ago.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Go Beavs

Oh, almost forgot to mention. Alyse also got to go to OSU on our trip to Portland. We were careful not to wear any WSU gear to draw attention to ourselves. We thought it wise to be Beavers for the day and support Aunt Eleni who will be attending there this summer.

6 months Old

Ms. Alyse was six months old, a week ago today. She is now sitting up, rolling over and standing (not on her own). She is eating solid foods such as: peas, carrots, pears, peaches, squash, prunes, banannas, rice cereal and oatmeal.

Just last weekend, Eleni and I made a trip to Portland. On Friday night, Alyse got to meet her second cousin Jayne. They were too cute together. They were constantly holding hands and looking at one another. (Pictures to be posted later). They also share a special mark on the side of their heads.....both in the same spot. It is pretty unique.

Then on Friday night, Aunt Effie, Eleanor (Alyse's counsin), Aunt Erin and Grandma Linda arrived. We had lots of fun just hanging out and enjoying Portland. The only bummer was that Grandma Linda was sick and wasn't able to hold Alyse or snuggle her. She loves her Grandma anyway. :) (Pictures to follow).

Alyse goes to the doctor on Thursday for her 6 month check up. Posting to follow with all of the 6 month data.